DIY Chest Fly Cable Crossover


Version 1

Hopefully you can see what I have done from these 7 pictures.

This version 1 works fine with only 3 pulleys, 4 eye bolts at the inside front of the rack and using 1/8" (3/16" with the nylon coating) cable from Home Depot.

This version 1 is good if you don't want to spend the money on a better smoother version 2 that I made on the right >

Yes, you obviously need a cable pull-down machine, to be able to do low cable chest flys and regular high cable chest flys.

In the pictures, you'll see that I have it set-up to do high cable chest flys, BUT I discovered that for me it's just too narrow, and doesn't seen to feel right. If you're a smaller framed person you shouldn't have a problem, I'm 6 feet tall so you can determine if this is good for you.

In my 3rd version that I don't show here yet, I bought longer eye bolts and bolted them on the top outside of the rack and that made all the difference and I highly recommend for you to do this as well.

Better Version 2

Parts List/Info: $

In this version 2 I'm showing in the 4 pictures, it's set-up to do low cable chest flys. It's way better doing low flys where its attached on the inside because of the way you properly do low cable chest flys. You don't have to get as wide, so this set-up is good. (for the low cable chest flys).

What's new for Version 2

Check out the 4 pictures, I have 6 pulley wheels, and I have a straight bar with 2 pulleys at each end and I added 4 more eye bolts at the back bottom and back top of the rack.

This set-up make all the difference in the world, because there are less angles on the cable and it makes for a smoother better ride.

This is by far the best system for cable chest flys I have seen.

Version 3

I have bought 2 more eye bolts that are 8" x 3/8" that are way longer than the other ones to put at the top outside of the rack.

I don't have pictures yet but I wanted to include this important info because it is the perfect width to do high cable chest flys.